I place this class of Holstein cows D C B A. In a close placing, I give D the advantage in width of rump and levelness from hooks to pins. D also shows more veination and quality in her fore udder. I do give C the advantage in her rear udder, showing more definition of seam than D.
C goes over B on bloom of udder. She has more width of rear udder and more length to her fore udder. C also has more length throughout and more quality in her leg bone. I do admire the openess and depth of rib on the B cow.
In a logical placing, B places over A on that depth of rib. B also has a major advantage in the height and width at the top of the rear udder. Additionally, B is cleaner in her hocks, especially when viewing the cows from the rear. I do admire the depth of heel on the A cow, but she lacks the attachment in her fore and rear udder to place any higher.