The extremely balanced A easily sorts herself to the top of the class using her advantage in the mammary system. A is higher and wider at the top of the rear udder, showing more quality of udder and veination throughout. Also, she is a super stylish cow that is more feminine about the head and neck. A also excels in her frame, being taller and longer throughout. I do grant that D shows more depth and length to the rear rib.
In a logical middle placing, D places over B as she has a more ideal set to the hock when viewed from the side. D has a longer, smoother blending fore udder, and her teats are placed more squarely beneath her front quarters. She is wider in the chest floor and carries that width back through her rump. However, B is a more refined individual.
In my final placing, B places over C as she stands more squarely on her hind legs when viewed from the rear and is stronger in the pasterns. B is sharper at the withers and more chiseled down her topline. C keeps this the closest placing in the class as she is longer and shapelier in her fore udder with more quality. However, C lacks the correctness in feet and legs to place any higher in the class.
About the Judge . . . KATIE STEVENS