Bowling Green, Kentucky

Key Dairy Activities:

1. Dairy Challenge
2. Hoard's Judging Contest
3. Mexico trip

Student Statistics:

Dairy Science major: Yes
Dairy Option: Yes
# Dairy Science Students: 4
# Animal Science/Dairy: 12
# Students intending to pursue a dairy career: 10
Percent going to vet school: 10%
Percent in ag research: 4%
Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 75%
Percent going back to home farm: 50%
Average salary: $24,000 to 36,000

Dairy Herd Information:

# cows: 37
Breed(s): Holstein and Jersey
Student labor: Yes
Used for research: Yes

Course Work:

Internship required for graduation: Yes
Assistance finding jobs or agriculture internships: Yes
Opportunities to work on dairy farms while attending school: Yes
Courses:Ag Business, Agronomy, Horticulture, Ag Mechanics, Ag Ed, An Sci (equine, beef, swine, sheep-goats, dairy), Soil Science, General Ag

Travel Opportunities:

Active Dairy Challenge Program, farm visits in U.S. and Mexico, WDE and dairy club trip

Additional Information:


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