For my top pair, I placed D over B for her advantage in feet and legs, as D has a little less set to her hock and also more depth of heel. D is straighter and harder over her top and tighter through her shoulders. D also has a more correct slope from hooks to pins, is more nearly level on her udder floor, and is showing more dairyness by having a cleaner and flatter bone through her hock. I do grant B has more width to her rear udder attachment, along with more quality to the mammary system.
In my middle pair, B uses her overall advantage in mammary system and dairyness to place ahead of A. B has a longer, smoother, tighter fore udder attachment that blends nicer into her body wall. B has more height and width to the rear udder attachment as well as more quality throughout the mammary system. B also shows more dairyness by being cleaner through her neck and sharper over her shoulders. I grant A is wider through her rump.
A uses her advantage in feet and legs to place above C in my final placing. A has a cleaner and flatter bone through her hock and is a touch straighter in the set to her leg. A has more depth of heel, is stronger in her pasterns, and is smoother blending down through her pasterns. A also has more depth to her median suspensory ligament. A is longer and more feminine through her head and neck and has more width through her chest floor. C lacks the overall dairy character and correctness to her feet and legs and udder to place any higher.
About the Judge . . . Reid Lundy