Herd Favorites

#1 Commercial Guernsey Herd for Milk, Fat, and Protein (herds over 50 cows)
#2 Guernsey Herd in the Nation for Protein
#5 Guernsey Herd in the Nation for Milk
Guernsey Herd in the Nation for Fat (2020)

#4 Jersey Herd in the Nation for Protein
#4 Jersey Herd in the Nation for Milk
#2 Jersey Herd in the Nation for Fat (2018 - 80 to 149 records)

Our Jerseys

RHA: 20,606 M 5.1% 1,041 F 3.9% 790 P
(2,704 pounds cheese)

Average score 80.9 
7 Excellent (above 90 points)
90 Very Good (80 to 89)
62 Desirable (70 to 79)

Our Guernseys

RHA: 19,832 M 4.8% 948 F 3.7% 727 P
(2,487 pounds cheese)

Classification: Average score 81
18 Excellent (above 90 points)
212 Very Good (80 to 89)
124 Desirable (70 to 79)

Guernsey Herd Standouts

Cow Families

Bella Blue Family

Phoem Family

Rowena Family

Pansy Family

Daydream Family

Winnie Family

Roseoil Family

Bonnella Family

Britt Family

Nila Family

Daria Family

Leona Family

Favorites in the Herd

Past Favorites with Herd Descendants