Sorting dairy cows by stage of lactation may improve farm profitability by supporting the peak production of high-producing cows and lowering feed costs for low-producing cows
On dairy farms, heifers can be described as the middle ground of the operation. Heifers are not yet producing milk but are eating a substantial amount of feed
In this episode, Mary Beth de Ondarza, the sole proprietor of Paradox Nutrition, LLC shared her knowledge and experience in improving feed efficiency in an array of areas on the farm
The U.S. Department of Agriculture shared finalized changes to the federally funded Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children on Tuesday
Sometimes we must slow down to see important details about dairy cows. So many things cows tell us with their behavior can only be seen with a trained eye and a slow walk
The author is a partner and large animal veterinarian at Thumb Veterinary Services in Deckerville, Mich. What a difference a year makes!Mark Fox, D.V.M.The year 2022 will go down in the dairy books as...
Protein is often considered the hallmark nutrient provided by animal-derived products. Critical for building muscle and supporting physical activity, protein is necessary for us to accomplish our daily...
Research continues to help better understand the intersection of management and the nutritional quality of milk. Driven by the Ireland dairy industry's interest in supporting the export market, food scientists...
People choose to drink plant-based beverages for a variety of reasons. If they are making that decision based on perceived health benefits, new research further supports the fact that most plant-based...
There is no doubt that many dairy nutritionists are leaving or have left a footprint in the area of dairy cattle feeding. Most of these nutritionists are or have been academic professors who performed...