
2012 Webinars

(Click on the webinar title to see the latest webinar)

December 10: Consistent, efficient TMR feeding
3rd Place, AAEA webinar 2013
presented by Tom Oelberg
Brought to you by Kuhn North America

November 19: Shrinking the freshening window for replacement heifers
presented by John Lee, D.V.M., Pfizer Animal Health
Special webinar brought to you by Pfizer Animal Health.

November 12: Sorting through our cropping strategies
presented by Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Brought to you by Merial and their Best in Class Dairiesprogram.

October 8: Rethinking feeding options for 2013
presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois
Brought to you by Zinpro Performance Minerals (www.zinpro.com/dairy)

September 10: Take your management to a higher level
presented by Gordie Jones, D.V.M., Central Sands Dairy
Brought to you by Kemin (www.kemin.com/getmore)

August 27: Sorting through your forage supply options
presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois
Brought to you by Biotal Forage Inoculants. Learn more at www.qualitysilage.com.

August 13: Five keys for reproductive success
2nd Place, AAEA webinar 2013
presented by Paul Fricke, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Brought to you by Merck. Watch the U.S. dairy farmers care video they prepared.

July 9: New corn silage utilization for dairy rations
1st Place, AAEA webinar 2013
presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois
Brought to you by Biotal Forage Inoculants. Learn more at www.qualitysilage.com.

June 11: Feeding and handling of transition cows
presented by Jim Drackley, University of Illinois
Brought to you by Elanco and its portfolio of dairy products.

May 14: Long-term impacts of calf feeding
presented by Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University
Brought to you by Merck. Watch its U.S. Dairy Farmers Care video.

April 9: Choosing feed additives wisely
presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois
Brought to you by Elanco and their portfolio of dairy products

March 12: Save time and money in the parlor
presented by David Reid, D.V.M., Rocky Ridge Consulting
Brought to you by Merial and their www.bestinclassdairies.com program

February 13: Preventing and treating ketosis
presented by Garrett Oetzel, D.V.M., University of Wisconsin
Brought to you by Elanco and their portfolio of dairy products

January 9: Milk's shrinking carbon footprint
presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois
Brought to you by Merck Animal Health

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