Backus YDLI Scholarship Fund Support Requested

A new scholarship fund for young dairy producers to attend the Holstein Foundation's Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI) has been created in the name of one of the industry's biggest icons – Horace Backus. With a $50,000 fundraising goal, over $17,000 has been raised from early contributors. By August 1, the $50,000 goal will need to be met to offer a full scholarship for one recipient in the upcoming YDLI class.

This fund came about from the vision of industry leaders themselves, Tim Abbott, Frank Conyngham, Joel Hastings and Dave Rama. They wanted a way to honor Horace's legacy so that he can be a part of it, and developed the idea of supporting dairy producers to attend YDLI. Often dubbed "the dean of pedigrees," Backus is widely known and respected around the country for his remarkable knowledge of Holstein genetics, and lifetime of experience in the dairy sales arena.

In a joint letter sent to prospective donors Abbott, Conyngham, Hastings and Rama write, "As a longtime friend and business associate of Horace Backus, you know better than most what a tremendously positive impact he has had on our Holstein industry, on Holstein breeders themselves… and on us! As a friend, he's always willing to lend a hand and lend an ear. He has set an example for all of us, young and old, with his integrity, work ethic, positive attitude and sense of humor. And in business, he's without parallel as a sale manager, pedigree expert, breeder, Association leader and adviser."

"We invite you to join us in creating a fitting and permanent tribute to one of the greatest men it has been our privilege to know and work with," the group continued.

The fund has been established within the Holstein Foundation, to provide appropriate investment and oversight of the dollars raised, without administrative costs. The annual dividends from the fund will be used to give full support to one young dairyman or woman at the Young Dairy Leaders Institute, a unique and exciting program for young dairy producers and industry professionals.

Early donors include: Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer; Douglas G. Blair; James R. and Nina P. Burdette; Dick Chichester; Duane and Betty Conant; Frank E. and Marion Conyngham; Currie Holsteins LLC; David C. Falk Sr.; Joel Hastings; Robert D. Heilman; Kip and Marilyn Herzog; Judy and Charles Iager; Thomas W. Kelly; William and Jean Kent; Bob and Ginger Knutsen; Jonathan and Alicia Lamb; Long Haven Farms - Doug and Bev Long and Scott and Jennifer Long; Robert and Linda Marshman; Jeanne McKown; Christopher McKown and Abigail Johnson; Ken Melvold; John M. and Vicki Meyer; Bob Miller; Tom and Sandy Morris; Jason and Donna Myers; Arthur W. Nesbitt; William C. and Lilly A. Nichol; William Peck family; Pennsylvania Holstein Association; David and Merry Rama; Ridgedale Farm; Select Sires, Inc.; Singing Brook Farms; St. Jacobs Animal Breeding Corp; Richard Witter - Taurus Service, Inc.; Roger P. Turner; Ken, Marylyn and Scott Umble; Robert E. Walton; and Don and Joyce Welk.

Gifts may be made by mail to the Holstein Foundation, noting they are for the ‘Horace Backus YDLI Scholarship' fund. Contributions may also be made securely online by selecting the ‘Horace Backus Fund' for gift type. More information about the Holstein Foundation and YDLI can be found at , or contact Jodi Hoynoski 800.952.5200 ext. 4261.
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