High School Curriculum Offers Dairy Business, Herd Management Education
High school students interested in pursuing careers in the dairy industry can benefit from a new dairy focused curriculum called "Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow." This curriculum offers dairy business and herd management education to high school students interested in pursuing dairy careers. Developed by the Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania, the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow program can be completed in a classroom setting or independently online.
Students and educators are invited to participate in the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow learning opportunity, designed to prepare students specifically to work in dairy production or agribusiness careers. First developed in 2012, four lessons from the curriculum were successfully piloted in 20 different high schools across Pennsylvania during the 2012/13 academic year.
Courses offered in the fall of 2013 include dairy farm business management, introduction to the dairy industry, ruminant anatomy and nutrition, and dairy herd health. Industry-recognized certifications are available to students upon completion of the coursework. The coursework could also be used to garner articulation agreements for post-secondary institutions.
The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania is currently soliciting for organizations to sponsor students to complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow program. Sponsorship opportunities are available to support one or multiple scholarships to complete the program. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Emily Yeiser with the Center Foundation at 717-346-0849 or eyeiser@centerfordairyexcellence.org.
The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania was established in 2010 as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization enabling individuals and corporations to make a lasting impact on the future of Pennsylvania's dairy industry and its individual dairy farm families. Priorities for the center foundation include youth development, continuing education, consumer outreach and market development.