Temme and his wife, Mary, started their dairy career with Temme's father in 1980, expanding the herd of 100 to its present size over the course of 33 years. The couple's son, John, joined the business four years ago.
Temme was recognized for a variety of leadership roles in the dairy industry, including serving the boards of the Nebraska State Dairy Association, the local, state and National Dairy Herd Improvement Associations, Cache Valley Select Sires and the National Cattlemen's Beef Board. He is the current president of We Support Agriculture and vice-president of the Associated Milk Producers, Inc., board.
Other awards presented at the convention include production recognition for the state's top dairy herds. Wallman Dairy, Diller, was the high-producing Holstein herd, followed by Broken Bow Dairy LLC in Milburn and Temme Ag of Wayne.
James Meyer of Roca received the award for high-producing Jerseys, followed by Chad and Robbin Beckmann of Center. Steffen Ag, Inc., was recognized for the high production mixed breed herd.