Holstein USA: Update on Issues Impacting December 2013 Genetic Evaluation

Holstein USA logo Some "hiccups" can be anticipated when working with the tremendous amount of data compiled for each official genetic evaluation, but the December 2013 evaluation has been impacted much more than most. Issues resulting from incomplete data received from USDA-Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) have affected Holstein Association USA's ability to deliver genetic information to Holstein breeders through several of our products in a timely manner. Approximately 2,800 Holstein females are still impacted by the issues outlined below. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to Holstein breeders; Holstein Association USA staff are working diligently with USDA-CDCB staff to resolve all issues as soon as possible.

The primary problem involves missing female records in the initial files received from USDA-CDCB. It was discovered that the records for some females enrolled in DRPC calf programs were suppressed, as they were incorrectly coded as "DRPC only." These animals initially were published with genomic values for type, but a missing PTA value of "0" for production traits. Additionally, a small number of animals did not load properly due to a Canadian CDCB fee code issue; those animals were identified and that issue was resolved. New files were received from USDA-CDCB on Wednesday and Friday, but they still contained inaccurate data for some of the females affected by the DRPC calf program issue.

The following Holstein Association USA products are currently affected:

  • Pedigrees & Fact Sheets: Until a new, correct file is received from USDA-CDCB, the approximately 2,800 affected animals will have incorrect genetic values displayed on their Official Holstein Pedigrees.

  • Individual Genomic Predictions: Predictions for females receiving new genomic results in December were delayed in being sent until Friday (12/6), in hopes that all correct data would be obtained by that point. On Friday afternoon, distribution of female predictions began, and continues this week; all predictions sent out have correct information, but predictions for any affected animals will not be sent until the issues are resolved. Holstein staff is working to distribute predictions to breeders as quickly as possible.

  • Top 5,000 and Top 10,000 Cow Lists: All of the information contained in these files is correct, however, some animals may be missing from the files.

  • Youngstock and Genetic Herd Reports: These reports will not be compiled and mailed to breeders until all issues with data are resolved; this will delay the mailing of these reports until later this week.

Unfortunately, when the data Holstein Association USA receives from USDA-CDCB is incomplete, it causes a trickledown effect of issues in all related products. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience, and rest assured our staff is working to resolve these issues as soon as possible.

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