"Animal signals . . . Really?" Resources
Resources from Animal signals . . . Really? from page 30 of the January 10, 2016 issue of Hoard's Dairyman.
Rendall, Owren, and Ryan (2009) "What do animal signals mean," Journal of Animal Behavior. Pages 233-240.
LeDoux, J. (2015) "Feelings: what are they & how does the brain make them" American Academy of Arts & Sciences doi: 10.1162/DAED_a_00319. Pages 96-111.
Rendall, Owren, and Ryan (2009) "What do animal signals mean," Journal of Animal Behavior. Pages 233-240.
Rendall, Owren, and Ryan (2009) "What do animal signals mean," Journal of Animal Behavior. Pages 233-240.
Ibid. Page 233.
Ibid. Page 236.
Ibid. Pages 234-235.
Ibid. Page 235.
LeDoux, J. (2015) "Feelings: what are they & how does the brain make them" American Academy of Arts & Sciences doi: 10.1162/DAED_a_00319.
Rendall, Owren, and Ryan (2009) "What do animal signals mean," Journal of Animal Behavior. Pages 233-240.
Ibid. Page 236.
LeDoux, J. "Anxious", Viking Press. Page 49.
LeDoux, J. (2015) "Feelings: what are they & how does the brain make them" American Academy of Arts & Sciences doi: 10.1162/DAED_a_00319. Pages 96-111..
Toby, MC. The Complete Equine LEGAL & BUSINESS Handbook. (2007) Eclipse Press. Pages 9-15.