PDPW logoThe Professional Dairy Producers® of Wisconsin's nine-member Board of Directors elected Mitch Bruenig, Mystic Valley Dairy, Sauk City, Wis., president for 2015-16. Other officers elected for the coming year include Marty Hollack, MarBec Dairy, Mondovi, Wis., vice president; Kay Zwald, Bomaz Farms, Hammond, Wis., secretary; and Charlie Crave, Crave Brothers Farms, Waterloo, Wis., treasurer.

Board members for 2015-16 include Jeremy Natzke, Wayside Dairy, Greenleaf, Wis.; Brian Forrest, Maple Ridge Dairy Business, Stratford, Wis.; Jay Heeg, Heeg Brothers Dairy LLC, Colby, Wis.; Linda White, Kinnamon Ridge Dairy, Reedsburg, Wis.; and Dan Scheider, Scheidary, Freeport, Ill. White was re-elected to the board at PDPW's 2015 Business Conference in mid-March, with Heeg and Scheider elected for their first three-year term.

PDPW is a network of producers and dairy professionals from across the nation, with members from 18 states representing every type and size of dairy operation. Board members are elected by fellow dairy producer members, with officers elected from among the Board of Directors.

In addition to its Board of Directors, PDPW has an Advisory Board comprised of four individuals from within the dairy industry. Each advisor serves a two-year term. As non-voting members, PDPW's Advisory Board members advise, counsel and serve as a sounding board during board meetings.

"PDPW's Advisory Board brings a mix of expertise to the board," states Shelly Mayer, a dairy producer from Slinger, Wis., and executive director of PDPW. "The four industry advisors attend all of our board meetings and executive meetings, provide guidance as needed and make certain that PDPW stays aligned with its goals and the goals of the dairy industry."

Advisors for 2015-16 are Andy Johnson, Marathon County Environmental Resources Coordinator; Steve Schwoerer, dairy specialist with Badgerland Financial Services; Dr. Steve Kelm, professor, UW-River Falls; and Dr. Richard Wallace, cattle technical service veterinarian focused on dairy, with Zoetis.

Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin is a dairy-producer founded organization that provides educational programs and services to fellow dairy producers. PDPW's mission is "to share ideas, solutions, resources, and experiences that help dairy producers succeed."
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