New Generation Genetics Following the release of the December 2015 genetic evaluations with the new base change, bulls from New Generation Genetics ranked at or near the top for Milk, Components, Type, Udder Composite, Mobility, Fertility, DPR, Productive Life, NM$, PPR & High Genomic Young Sires.

54BS482 Voelkers TD CARTER *TM is the hottest selling bull in the U.S.A. He is once again the #1 type bull in the breed and is confirming his high genomic projections to be true. Carter's type proof is +1.3 type, +0.96 UDC, +1.2 Mobility, +1.0 FU, +1.3 UD and +0.8 RUH. Carter's production proof is +981m +25f +22p +0.9 Productive Life and 105 PPR.

54BS500 Manis Glenn WHISKEY ET *TM debuts as a special European outcross making some of the finest cows in the breed. Whiskey first proof with 50 daughters is +655m +24p +1.0 DPR and 121 PPR. Whiskey daughters have scored well and his type proof is +0.5.

54BS557 BMG Lust GET LUCKY ET *TM is the new #1 G-PPR and index bull in the breed and first Brown Swiss bull over +2,000 for milk. His genomic proof is 233 PPR, +2059m +62f +59p +1.4 Productive Life +0.7 DPR and $440 NM$.

54BS555 Kulp-Terra Parade CAR ET *TM *NP is the highest polled Brown Swiss bull for many traits and is from CARTER's family. Car's genomic proof is +612m +42f +.07% +28p +.03% +2.8 Productive Life and 135 PPR. Car is the highest type polled bull at +0.3 type and +0.65 Udder Composite.

54BS492 Fjel-Mar Joel DOUBLE DARE ET *TM graduates into the proven line-up as one of the top type bulls. His proof is +0.8 type +0.82 Udder Composite 91 PPR +23f +.09% +0.5 DPR and 105 milking speed.

54BS 438 BROOKINGS is joined by 54BS548 WINNING FORMULA, 54BS486 TANBARK, 54BS509 CADENCE, 54BS513 JACKSON, 54BS544 DARIO, 54BS537 DUPONT and 54BS535 BRADY who are all available in Preferred SexUltra Semen.

New Generation Genetics has now identified bulls for the A2/A2 Beta Casein trait and is committed to being the breed leader for this attractive trait. 54BS462 AUSTIN, 54BS374 VIGOR, 54BS493 VITALIS, 54BS548 WINNING FORUMLA,54BS486 TANBARK, 54BS513 JACKSON 54BS500 WHISKEY 54BS526 DAVENPORT 54BS528 DALHART, 54BS531 ALEUTIAN, 54BS533 REBEL, 54BS535 BRADY 54BS554 DUNDEE 54BS543 DANE and new young sire 54BS553 ROSCOE.

New Generation Genetics offers the most comprehensive Brown Swiss Sires portfolio in the U.S. For further information call 920-568-0554, visit our facebook page, email or visit
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