

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Key Dairy Activities:

1. A-Day
2. Spring Spectacular heifer sale
3. Dairy Society Banquet

Student Statistics:

Dairy Science major: Yes
Dairy Option: Yes
# Dairy Science Students: 25
# Animal Science/Dairy:10
# Students intending to pursue a dairy career: 45
Percent going to vet school: 50 %
Percent in ag research: 1 %
Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 90%
Percent going back to home farm: 75 %

Dairy Herd Information:

# cows: 55
Breed(s): Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Red and White
Student labor: Yes
Used for research: No

Course Work:

Internship required for graduation: Yes
Assistance finding jobs or agriculture internships: Yes
Opportunities to work on dairy farms while attending school: Yes
Courses:Principles of Dairy Science, Livestock Industry and Careers, Feed Grains and Forages, Dairy and Livestock Genetics, Dairy Cattle Judging, Physiology of Lactation, Principles of Animal Nutrition, Animal Feeding and Nutrition, Animal Diseases, Dairy Husbandry Techniques, Dairy Systems and Management, Dairy Processing, Agricultural Economics,

Travel Opportunities:

Northeast and National Dairy Challenge, Pennsylvania Farm Show, Dairy Society Spring Break Trip, Dairy Summit

Additional Information:

Delaware Valley College is a very hands-on school. Many of our courses have labs associated with them that are all taught on the farm. The small size of campus allows for close association between students and professors.

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