Aug. 18 2010 09:57 AM


Moscow, Idaho

Key Dairy Activities:

1. 4-H/FFA Cattle Judging
2. Milkshake and Cheese Sales
3. Ag Days Dairy Cattle Judging event

Student Statistics:

Dairy Science major: No
Dairy Option: Yes
# Animal Science/Dairy: 20
# Students intending to pursue a dairy career: 35
Percent going to vet school: 70%
Percent in ag research: 7%
Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 90%
Percent going back to home farm: 5%
Average salary: $38,000

Dairy Herd Information:

# cows: 95
Breed(s): Holstein
Student labor: Yes
Used for research: Yes

Course Work:

Internship required for graduation: No
Assistance finding jobs or agriculture internships: Yes
Opportunities to work on dairy farms while attending school: Yes
Courses:Principles of Dairy Science, Animal Nutrition, Feed and Ration, Ruminant Physiology, Dairy Cattle Management, Advanced Dairy Management, Physiology of Lactation, Animal Disease Management, Principles of Farm and Ranch Mgt., Ag Marketing and Prices, Dairy products, Beef Cattle Science, Genetics of Livestock, Microbiology, Artificial Insemination Short Course

Travel Opportunities:

In two Dairy Management classes students visit 6 different large commercial dairy herds. Students are involved with operation evaluation, including recommendations for nutrition, reproduction, milking procedures, animal health, housing and financial management. There is also a short-term (6-day) Dairy internship. The University of Idaho participates in the Western and National Dairy Challenge (NAIDC), Western Dairy Mgt. Conference, Pacific Northwest Nutrition Conference, Tri-State Short Course, Diary Club Spring Trip, Tri-State Dairy Short Course Conference, ADSA/SAD Annual Meeting. The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences offers a study abroad scholarship as well as short-term study abroad opportunities.

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