Aug. 18 2010 11:17 AM


Urbana, Illinois

Key Dairy Activities:

1. State Fair (milk a cow booth)
2. Dairy judging and dairy challenge
3. Spring break trip

Student Statistics:

Dairy Science major: No
Dairy Option: Yes
# Animal Science/Dairy:10
# Students intending to pursue a dairy career: 15
Percent going to vet school: 70%
Percent in ag research: 40%
Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 60%
Percent going back to home farm: 2%
Average salary: $20,000 to 50,000

Dairy Herd Information:

# cows: 200
Breed(s): Holstein and Jersey
Student labor: Yes
Used for research: Yes

Course Work:

Internship required for graduation: No
Assistance finding jobs or agriculture internships: Yes
Opportunities to work on dairy farms while attending school: Yes
Courses: For available courses visit the online course site.

Travel Opportunities:

Spring break trip, ANSC 400, Dairy challenge, Dairy judging

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