The WMMB Link - It's Good to be Connected

Cell phones, emails and text messaging - even snap chats - have been known to be means of communication amongst family members and employees on the farm. We are constantly on the go especially during the harvest season, so communicating with others is crucial when we are working well before sunrise and late into the moonlight. Technology truly has been a game changer because we can constantly be connected to each other and information.
Even up in northern Wisconsin, I can access the internet utilizing my tablet and cellular service to have access to information out in the field, in the barn or at home. Having information literally at our fingertips with advancements of smartphones, tablets and iPads can be a learning curve but more importantly can be a great resource.
Just as we as farmers have changed how and where we get our information, WMMB has changed how it connects with consumers to reflect more and more how people are accessing their information. People are not getting their news from what is considered traditional methods such as radio, TV and newspaper like years ago. Individuals are increasingly relying on the Internet, websites and social media to get the information they need.
Social media is a great platform for us as producers to share our story and share what is happening at the farm on our personal page, or your farm's page or blog if you have one. We can reconnect with neighbors or connect with individuals around the country and abroad talking about what we do on our farms. Being in Wisconsin, we can also talk about our great dairy products and award-winning cheeses!
The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board has several resources that highlight our great dairy products and connect them to consumers. If you are looking for recipes, cheese stores, how to prepare and serve cheese or even how cheese is made you can find it all at one website: www.eatwisconsincheese.
Smartphones truly have given us information at our fingertips. We can tweet, post and share anywhere. We have the capabilities of getting the weather and markets - all in real time. There are so many useful apps on the market, but have you had a chance to utilize the free Wisconsin Cheese Cupid app? You could consider it the match-maker for cheese and drink. With this app you can quickly discover perfect cheese and drink pairings from the convenience of your mobile device.
WMMB's social media team, along with supporting agencies, is distributing content that strengthens the connection with fans and followers, resulting in more impressions, engagements and traffic to WMMB websites. To date, the new strategy has exceeded expectations raising monthly impressions from 6 million to more than 73 million, increasing engagement by 272 percent and growing traffic to the WisconsinCheeseTalk.com blog from 6,800 visitors per month to more than 20,000 per month.
No matter how you choose to communicate, it is important to remember to be authentic. You have a chance to start the conversation and have an amazing opportunity to listen and serve as a credible resource as a member of the dairy industry to consumers around the world.