Dec. 20 2017 09:51 AM

Pioneer® Brand Sorghum Hybrids Garner 75 Percent of National Winners

The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

DuPont Pioneer congratulates growers who placed in 18 of the 24 national categories in the 2017 National Sorghum Producers (NSP) Yield and Management Contest with Pioneer® brand sorghum hybrids. Growers who planted Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids won 6 of 10 first-place, national category finishes.

First-, second- and third-place national honors were awarded in each of eight divisions, including dryland conventional-till, dryland double crop, dryland no-till, dryland reduced till, irrigated conventional-till, irrigated double crop, irrigated no-till, irrigated reduced-till.

In addition, Pioneer won 82 of 108 state titles, representing 76 percent of all first-place state category placements.

“We are proud of these growers and the performance of Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids in the 2017 NSP yield contest. Our high yield potential products have industry-leading agronomic traits and, when combined with strong management practices, show sorghum growers what’s possible on their farm,” said Liesel Flansburg, DuPont Pioneer sorghum marketing manager. “We continue to expand our investment in sorghum research to bring the industry products with the best yield potential, defensive traits like sugarcane aphid tolerance and agronomic characteristics they need regardless of growing environment.”

A detailed listing of individual winners can be found at

For more information about the broad range of top-producing Pioneer brand sorghum products, growers should contact their local Pioneer sales professional.

About DuPont Pioneer
DuPont Pioneer, a business unit of DowDuPont Agriculture Division, is the world’s leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics, providing high-quality seeds to farmers in more than 90 countries. Pioneer provides agronomic support and services to help increase farmer productivity and profitability and strives to develop sustainable agricultural systems for people everywhere. Science with Service Delivering Success®.

About DowDuPont Agriculture Division
DowDuPont Agriculture, a business division of DowDuPont (NYSE: DWDP), combines the strengths of DuPont Pioneer, DuPont Crop Protection and Dow AgroSciences. Together, the Agriculture Division provides growers around the world with the most complete portfolio in the industry, developed through a robust research pipeline across germplasm, biotech traits and crop protection. DowDuPont Agriculture is committed to delivering innovation, helping growers increase productivity and ensuring food security for a growing global population. DowDuPont intends to separate the Agriculture division into an independent, publicly traded company. More information can be found at