I place this great class of Jersey cows that show tremendous dairyness and breed character, C D A B. I find C excels D in length of neck and width of her chest. She is a much longer and more balanced cow than D. C exhibits a great seam up her rear udder and has a more comfortable set to her hock than D. I grant D has a fore udder that blends more snuggly into her body wall.

D goes over A with the advantage she has in levelness of udder floor and the evidence of stronger suspensory ligament. She also has more width at the top of her rear udder. In addition, D carries her udder higher above the hock. I do grant A has more strength throughout, especially the front end.

A is a long dairy cow showing more quality and balance to her udder on the rear right side. Her front teats are under the udder more correctly than B. I do grant B carries her udder higher above the hock. I place B last in the class because of the lack of balance in the rear udder and the wide front teat placement.

Steve White, New Castle, Ind., placed the JERSEYS. White and his wife, Sharon, manage 517 acres and 55 registered Jerseys. He is a Klussendorf winner and has bred and owned one national champion, a reserve national champion, a Jersey Jug winner, and numerous state fair champions. White has judged in 40 U.S. states and served as the official judge of the Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Jersey, and Milking Shorthorn shows at World Dairy Expo. He's also judged the All American Jersey Show in Louisville, Ky., in addition to four other breed shows at Louisville. He also has judged shows in Australia and Columbia..

