The Dairy Business Innovation Alliance (DBIA), a partnership between the Center for Dairy Research (CDR) and Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA), will be holding a series of eight webinars for dairy farmers and processors interested in improving their business through diversification, including the development of new value-added products.
The “Let’s Get Started” webinar series will help identify local resources, expertise and technical assistance to support dairy farmers and processors who have decided to move forward on diversifying their enterprise or developing a new product. The webinars will be a combination of general information presentations, breakout sessions and interviews with farmers and processors who will share their experiences and lessons learned. The goal of the webinar series is to connect dairy businesses to local or state-level resources that can assist with each stage of their project.
The webinar series begins on Tuesday, October 20 at 1:30-3:00 PM with a webinar that will introduce the DBIA and describe how the program can help you realize your ideas.
Webinar #1
An Introduction to DBIA and How It Can Help You Realize Your Ideas
Tuesday, October 20, 1:30-3:00 PM
Topics include:
- What is DBIA and how can it help me?
- An outline of the topics in the webinar series
- How to access the webinars and related resources
- A simple methodology to help answer the following question “I know I need to diversify, but where can I get help?”
To register: Visit the DBIA website – https://turbo.cdr.wisc.edu/dairy-business-innovation-alliance/
Subsequent webinars will include the following topics: Business Planning, Marketing, Product Development, Regulatory Compliance, Food Safety & Quality, and Financing and Export Opportunities.
All webinars will be recorded and placed on the DBIA website. Announcements regarding DBIA grants and trainings can be found at https://turbo.cdr.wisc.edu/dairy-business-innovation-alliance and www.WisCheeseMakers.org.