In a close placing, D wins this class as she has the highest and widest rear udder, most balance to rear quarters, and the most bloom to her udder. In addition, she has a longer dairy frame and tracks more correctly on her rear feet and legs than A. However, A does keep this a close placing because of her balance and dairy strength throughout.
A handily places over B as she has more height to the rear udder attachment and is longer and smoother in the fore udder. To tip the scales even further, she has a more correct set of rear feet and legs with less set to the hock when viewed from the side than B. Admittedly, B is a longer cow from end to end.
In the final placing, B places over C on her dairyness from end to end and distinct advantage in the udder. In particular, B is longer in the fore udder and has more height in the rear udder. While C has more strength throughout, she lacks dairyness and needs a higher and wider rear udder to stand any higher in the class.