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This year marks the 100th Anniversary of Holstein Association USA’s Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) award. Started in 1922, the DJM competition is the longest running contest and the highest honor given to a Junior Holstein member, ages 17 to 21.

“As we reflect back on the past 100 years of the Distinguished Junior Member competition, we see many past DJM finalists have gone on to serve Holstein USA and the dairy industry in significant ways,” says Kelli Dunklee, Holstein Association USA Youth Program Specialist. “We look forward to continuing this special tradition and developing future leaders.”

Holstein Association USA named six National DJM finalists on July 1, 2022, during the National Junior Holstein Convention Awards Banquet in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Congratulations to the 2022 Distinguished Junior Member finalists!

2022 DJM Finalists:

Ryan Allen, Jefferson, Maryland

Regan Demmer, Peosta, Iowa

Matthew Gunst, Hartford, Wisconsin

Hannah Hockerman, Westfield, Wisconsin

Brian “Mac” McCullough, Juda, Wisconsin

Blake Wright, Verona, Missouri

DJM judging is a two-part process. Youth members competing put together a book highlighting their Junior Holstein work, activities and projects, breeding program, and personal views. The Junior’s entry book is worth 60 percent of the final score, and the top 12 individuals are named DJM Semifinalists based on their book score.

The 2022 Distinguished Junior Member finalists were named during the 2022 National Junior Holstein Convention in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Back row (left to right); Regan Demmer, Ryan Allen, and Brian McCullough. Front row (left to right); Blake Wright, Hannah Hockerman, and Matthew Gunst.

Phase two of the contest takes place at National Junior Holstein Convention, where the semifinalists are interviewed by a committee of judges. The interview is worth 40 percent of the final score, and the six individuals with the highest combined scores are named DJM finalists.

Young Distinguished Junior Member Finalists

Eight Junior Holstein members ages 9 to 16 were selected as Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) finalists. The applicants were judged on their YDJM books, which highlight their accomplishments and leadership with the Junior Holstein Association and beyond.

The 2022 Young Distinguished Junior Member finalists were recognized during the 2022 National Junior Holstein Convention in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Back row (left to right): Sophie Griswold, Madison Mowrer, Jenna Larson, and Shelby Swanson. Front row (left to right): Isaac Folts, Sophia Geppert, Logan Harbaugh, and Elizabeth Gunst.

The YDJM finalists were recognized during the 2022 National Junior Holstein Convention in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Congratulations to these outstanding Junior Holstein members for their impressive accomplishments!

2022 YDJM Finalists:

Isaac Folts, North Collins, New York

Sophia Geppert, Kingdom City, Missouri

Sophie Griswold, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford, Wisconsin

Logan Harbaugh, Marion, Wisconsin

Jenna Larson, Okeechobee, Florida

Madison Mowrer, Petersburg, Pennsylvania

Shelby Swanson, Hutchinson, Minnesota

For more information about Holstein Association USA’s youth programs, visit