The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

To help Wisconsin Dairy Farmers get the most current and up-to-date research information, the UW-Extension Dairy program has developed the “Reproduction Roadshow.” This roadshow is an update on UW-Madison dairy reproduction research, covering heifer reproduction, sexed semen, the high fertility cycle, and more. The roadshow features Dr. Paul Fricke, Professor and Extension Specialist in Dairy Cattle Reproduction, and Dr. JP Martins, DVM, Ph.D. from the Department of Medical Sciences – School of Veterinary Medicine UW-Madison.
We want to thank Parnell for sponsoring the Reproductive Roadshow this year
Join this event the week of February 19 around Wisconsin and take the opportunity to learn from and discuss with experts on the dates below:
Farmer specific meetings:
February 19, 2024, 10:00 am Lafayette County Multipurpose Building (11974 Ames Rd. Darlington)
February 20, 2024, 10:00 am UW-River Falls Dairy Learning Center (129 South Glover Rd. River Falls)
February 20, 2024, 1:30 pm Barron Electric Cooperative (1434 WI – 25 North Barron)
February 21, 2024, 10:00 am Edgar Family Restaurant (127590 Opportunity Ln. Edgar)
February 22, 2024, Noon Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center (7001 Gass Lake Rd. Manitowoc)
February 23, 2024, 11:00 am Rex’s Innkeeper Restaurant, Waunakee (301 N. Century Ave. Waunakee)
Pre-registration by February 12, 2024 is required. For more information and to register for the meeting, visit
For more information, please contact:
Jackie McCarville (Lafayette location)
Ryan Sterry (Barron and River Falls locations)
Heather Schlesser (Edgar location)
Angie Ulness (Green Bay & Manitowoc locations)
Alison Pfau (Waunakee location)