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Focus on Forage is a free, four-part webinar series highlighting research-based information and farmer strategies to optimize forage yield, quality, and profitability in Wisconsin. This series continues in 2024 starting on February 22.
Join forage industry experts, UW–Madison specialists, and Extension educators from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. on the following dates for discussions on forage insurance, alfalfa, annual forages, and pastures.
February 22, 2024: Focus on Forage Insurance
February 28, 2024: Focus on Alfalfa
March 6, 2024: Focus on Annual Forages
March 20, 2024: Focus on Pastures
This webinar is of interest to farmers (field crop and dairy), crop advisors, animal science professionals and students interested in forage management and research. Certified Crop Advisor CEUs and ARPAS credits are available for each webinar. Credit information is detailed below.
Scott Newell, Alfalfa Outreach Specialist with the UW–Madison Division of Extension Crops and Soils Program, noted, “These webinars are focused on actionable information for the farmer or consultant looking to improve their production and better understand the risks inherent in agriculture and make informed management decisions.”
Webinar Details
February 22 | Focus on Forage Insurance
Join Pamela Stahlke from USDA RMA and Dr. Paul Mitchell of UW–Madison to learn about federal crop insurance tools available to manage production risk for Wisconsin forage growers and the benefits and usage of federal crop and forage insurance. (1.0 Crop Management CEUs; 1.0 ARPAS credit)
February 28 | Focus on Alfalfa
Scott Newell, UW–Madison; Dr. Kim Cassida, Michigan State University; Dr. Mark Renz, UW–Madison; and Dr. Emily Bick, UW–Madison will lead an alfalfa-focused webinar. Topics covered include alfalfa management following the 2023 drought, autotoxicity concerns and current research, herbicide carryover issues, and potato leafhopper management. (0.5 Crop Management, 0.5 IPM CEUs; 1.0 ARPAS credit)
March 6 | Focus on Annual Forages
Dr. Marta Kohmann, Dr. Luiz Ferrareto, John Jones, and Chris Bandura of UW–Madison will discuss annual forage topics including how annual forages fit on Wisconsin farms and in the dairy ration, a presentation on the nitrogen demand of winter cereal forages, and nitrogen carryover and rate planning following 2023 drought. (0.5 Nutrient Management, 0.5 Crop Management CEUs; 1.0 ARPAS credit)
March 20 | Focus on Pastures
Jason Cavadini, Steve Okonek, Dr. Marta Kohmann, and Stefania Cartoni-Casamitjana of UW–Madison will discuss strategies for improving the production potential of pastures, managing the “summer slump” of hot and dry weather typical for July and August, pasture species mixtures for climate resilience, and renovating forests for silvopasture. (1.0 Crop Management CEUs; 1.0 ARPAS credit)
To read more about each webinar and register, visit If you have questions or need accommodations, please contact Scott Newell at