Zinpro Corporation, the world’s leading innovator and manufacturer of high-performance organic trace minerals and animal nutrition solutions, announced today its Fortify the Future sustainability commitment and the release of the company’s 2023 Sustainability Report.
“At Zinpro we believe that livestock, poultry and aquaculture can be a part of the climate change solution, aiding in carbon reduction while providing healthy, wholesome protein for a growing global population,” said Dr. Terry Ward, Zinpro global director of sustainability and strategy. “Fortify the Future is our ongoing commitment to sustainability in all we do, fortifying not only animals, but families, communities and the earth, now and for future generations.”
Sustainability Report Highlights: Reduced Environmental Impact, Improved Economic Outcomes and Enhanced Animal Wellbeing
The Zinpro 2023 Sustainability report shares the four pillars that represent the company’s foundation for sustainability – environmental, economic, technical and social – with safety at the core of all activities.
Highlights of the report include the following:
- Recent research showed a reduction in environmental impact through less phosphorus excretion in broiler chickens that were fed a diet including Zinpro® Availa® Zn.
- Zinpro tools and solutions led to positive economic outcomes for customers in the dairy, beef, swine, broiler and shrimp industries.
- Nutritional technologies that enhance animal wellbeing and performance led to improved outcomes such as decreases in liver abscesses and death from bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle.
- As part of its commitment to people and strengthening communities, Zinpro funds Anderson Foundation, whose goal is to educate, inspire and create opportunities for women and girls worldwide, including those who are part of the global agricultural labor force.
Demonstrating Sustainability Through Innovation and Expansion
“Our sustainability accomplishments reach beyond our four pillars”, said Dr. Ward. “We pride ourselves on innovation, and our unique product, Zinpro® IsoFerm®, continues to contribute to sustainability efforts through improved fiber digestion resulting in better feed efficiency for the dairy cow.”
“Another key highlight for 2023 was the opening of our new plant in Brazil, demonstrating more efficient and effective product delivery by decreasing the need for cross-continental shipping and transport,” concluded Dr. Ward.
To learn more about Fortify the Future, the Zinpro commitment to sustainability, and to download the full report, visit Zinpro.com/sustainability.
About Zinpro