Since 2024, Bird Flu has stumped US dairy farmers, leading to milk production drops and impaired udder health as well. While best biosecurity practices remain vital to reduce the spread of the disease, the after-effects of Bird Flu are significant.
Thus, to bring cows back to their full milk production potential and improve udder functionality, non-antibiotic solutions are required.
With its innovative strategies and tools for udder health management, OZOLEA is supporting California and Texas dairies dealing with those recovered animals showing high somatic cell counts, lower production, and stressed mammary tissue after Bird Flu.
OZOLEA’s non-antibiotic approach to udder health management is based on physical support and protection of the mammary tissue when stressed.
In this way, by creating a hostile teat environment for bacteria, and isolating the mammary tissue from other non-microbial factors, thus allowing autonomous tissue regeneration, it is possible to recover tissue integrity and functionality.
Along with biosecurity measures, such an approach can really be effective in cows recovered from Bird Flu, but now showing udder issues, particularly when farmers aim to:
- Recover chronic SCC and freshly-calved high SCC cows, thus improving bulk tank SCC.
- Reduce the occurrence of more severe cases, and their recurrence.
- Regain full milk production.
- Reduce milk and profit losses due to impaired tissue functionality and antibiotic treatment.
“In these situations, the best way to support cows who have recovered from Bird Flu is to work immediately after calving with our protocol M2 for post partum, consisting in the treatment of all four quarters with OZOLEA-MAST once a day after milking, for the first two days after calving”, says Andrea Bignotti, DVM and Vice President of OZOLEA.
OZOLEA’s innovative approach to udder issues is a key tool for selective treatment, but also a way to restore the on-farm balance before Bird Flu, from an economic and welfare standpoint. Our commitment to support dairy farmers in this hard time has been consistent and solid.
OZOLEA is for you, for animals, for the environment. Visit OZOLEA’s website to know more on post-bird flu potential strategies for udder health: www.ozolea.com, or contact our California dairy farmer, Oscar Hernandez: (559) 737-7504.