The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Scott Holcomb and Seth Israelsen have been named District Managers for the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) field staff. In addition, two of the six territories served by Area Representatives of the AJCA and National All-Jersey Inc. have been redefined, effective immediately.

According to Executive Secretary and CEO Neal Smith, these adjustments will help align the move closer to the new geographical areas redefined in the constitution for members of the AJCA. It will also allow the field staff to provide more efficient, cost-effective service to producers of Jersey genetics and milk on a broader scale.

The changes are summarized below.

The USJersey association welcomed Scott Holcomb, Greene, N.Y., back to the team as District 1 Manager on March 3, 2025. He will cover all states defined in the newly adopted AJCA District 1, except for Ohio. Those states are Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Scott Holcomb

Scott began his career with USJersey in 2015 as a part-time Type Traits Appraiser. In January of 2019, he transitioned into the full-time role of Area Representative and Type Traits Appraiser in the northeast region, a position he held through June of 2024. He served briefly as a Territory Area Sales Manager for SomaDetect, an agricultural technology company serving dairy producers, before returning to USJersey this month.

Greg Lavan will continue to cover Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan as his field territory, in addition to his new role as Parentage Qualification Coordinator at USJersey.

Seth Israelsen
Seth Israelsen, Garland, Utah, has accepted the District 3 Manager position for the US Jersey organizations. His territory includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

Israelsen joined the USJersey staff in 2015 as Advanced Services Consultant, marketing and providing customer support nationwide for JerseyMate™, Jersey Link™ and Jersey Tags, and worked as an AJCA-NAJ Area Representative in New Mexico, Nevada and California, in addition to being a Type Traits Appraiser.

Seth has a Master of Business Administration from Utah State University and earned a B.S. in marketing with Latin American studies and a Spanish minor at the same institution.

The territories served by Kristin Paul, Milton, Wis.; Willow Voegtlen, Hartland, Wis., and Benny Rector, Rogersville, Mo., will remain the same.

A directory of AJCA-NAJ staff, listing complete contact information plus assigned territories, is maintained on the web at and at

About The USJersey Organizations

The American Jersey Cattle Association, organized in 1868, maintains identification and performance records for dairy herd owners and provides services that support genetic improvement and greater profitability through increasing the value of and demand for Registered Jersey™ cattle and genetics, and Jersey milk and milk products.

National All-Jersey Inc. was founded in 1957 to promote the increased production and sale of Jersey milk and milk products, and to promote Jersey cattle and the interests of breeders of Jersey cattle. A subsidiary, All-Jersey Sales Corporation, was incorporated in 1961 and expanded in 1970 to provide Jersey cattle marketing services to the U.S. dairy industry.

For more information on the complete line of services for dairy business owners from the USJersey organizations, visit the website at or call 614/861-3636.