March 25 2025 10:03 AM

Details how the company is making progress toward a better future for people and animals

The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Zinpro Corporation, the world’s leading innovator and manufacturer of high-performance organic trace minerals and animal nutrition solutions, released its 2024 Sustainability Report today.

“Our 2024 Sustainability Report outlines several areas where we assist our customers in contributing to the pathway to help lower emissions, including improving animal health and wellbeing,” says Dr. Terry Ward, Zinpro global director of sustainability and strategy. “With our Fortify the Future™ commitment, we are proud that Zinpro prioritizes the welfare of livestock, all while supporting positive economic outcomes for our customers.”

UN-FAO Decreased Emissions Factors

In 2023, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) published a report identifying eleven factors that can help reduce emissions from global animal agriculture. Zinpro is focused on increasing animal productivity, which accounts for 25% of the proposed overall emission reductions, according to the UN-FAO report.

How Zinpro Helps Customers Contribute to the Lower Emissions Pathway

Other notable emissions reduction factors identified by the UN-FAO include areas in which Zinpro is focused:

  • Rumen manipulation (page 9) – Zinpro® IsoFerm® is a dairy cow breakthrough product that improves rumen function, winning a prestigious EuroTier Silver Award for innovation in 2024.

  • Feed and nutrition improvements (page 5) – Zinpro® Availa® Dairy helps boost feed efficiency and lowers the carbon footprint for each unit of milk produced.

  • Improved animal health (page 10) – In broiler chickens, Zinpro® Availa® ZMC has been shown to reduce bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis (BCO), a serious bacterial infection that affects the leg bones of chickens.

“Built on the four pillars that represent our foundation for sustainability – environmental, economic, technical and social – the Zinpro ‘Fortify the Future’ sustainability commitment applies to more than just our core business of animal dietary fortification,” says Dr. Ward. “It’s our obligation to fortify production practices and operations for a more successful and sustainable future.”

To learn more about Fortify the Future, the Zinpro commitment to sustainability, and to download the full 2024 report, visit

About Zinpro

For more than 53 years, Zinpro has improved the health and wellbeing of both animals and people as a pioneer in the research and development of performance trace minerals and innovative nutritional solutions. As a family-owned, privately held company, our steady growth can be attributed to employing a world-class team of experts, manufacturing quality products and our steadfast commitment to helping our customers advance the health and performance of their animals. With products marketed in more than 70 countries worldwide, Zinpro is the global leader in advancing animal performance through greater nutrition and is dedicated to creating smarter practices for a better, more sustainable world. To learn more, visit