Davis, California
Key Dairy Activities:
1. Little I Showmanship Contest
2. Ag Science Field Days
3. Picnic Day
Student Statistics:
Dairy Science major: No
Dairy Option: Yes (with Animal Science or Animal Science & Management degrees)
# Animal Science/Dairy:30
# Students intending to pursue a dairy career: 30
Percent going to vet school: 50 %
Percent in ag research: 25%
Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 10%
Percent going back to home farm: 25%
Dairy Herd Information:
# cows: 130
Breed(s): Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss, Milking Shorthorn
Student labor: Yes
Used for research: Yes
Course Work:
Internship required for graduation: No
Assistance finding jobs or agriculture internships: Yes
Opportunities to work on dairy farms while attending school: Yes
Courses: Courses in animal biochemistry, genetics, nutrition, reproductive physiology, animal welfare, and dairy management in Department of Animal Science. In the Department of Animal Science there are production & management courses offered for aquaculture, avian/poultry, beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, horses, meats, sheep, and swine. Dairy processing in Department of Food Science & Technology. Plant physiology, genetics, and forage production in Department of Plant Sciences. Agricultural and managerial economics and farm management in Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics. Internships are available at all animal facilities to provide hands-on learning experiences. There are also independent research projects to obtain experiences with ongoing research projects at all animal facilities.
Travel Opportunities:
Animal production classes in the various species each have field trips associated with the course. Beef and sheep production (ANS 144), dairy cattle production (ANS 146), horse production (ANS 115), and swine and poultry production (ANS 143) visit commercial enterprises. There are also funds available through the Department of Animal Science for special field trips to visit production enterprises. Students also attend World Ag Expo in Tulare.
Education Abroad programs available for either for academic units or work in international countries. There are also funds available to field trips not associated with a class to visit producer operations.
Additional Information:
UCD has a dairy judging team. The Cow Aggie Dairy Club promotes and educates others about the dairy industry, including school visits to speak to children about agriculture and the dairy industry..
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