"There's a love affair with dairy around the globe," said International Dairy Foods Association's Chief Executive Office, Connie Tipton at the 26th annual Dairy Forum in Miami, Fla., on Monday, January...
"Bogus" is the word that University of California-Davis Professor Frank Mitloehner used to describe the FAO's original estimation of livestock's contribution to greenhouse gasses during his presentation...
Now when temperatures heat up in California, so will the responsibility of dairy and other farm owners to provide heat safety protection for their employees. On August 20, the State Occupational Safety...
Every October, Shamrock Farms, located in Stanfield, Ariz., opens up its modern 10,000-cow dairy to the public, taking advantage of the growing agricultural disconnect as a way to market its brand and...
For nearly four decades, Penn State's Larry Specht has been evaluating which farms and sires have been the best contributors to genetic progress in the Holstein breed. For his efforts, Specht was named...