Sept. 19 2016
Super calf hutch, 12'x19', 8 weaned calves, portable
Sept. 19 2016
90-head heifer barn, free stalls, 63'x180', open side
Sept. 19 2016
Bulk storage shed, several bays
Sept. 12 2016
Gated freestall heifer barn, cold type, six designs
Aug. 23 2013
Your one stop shop for dairy planning! From the planning and development process to various housing options, this book contains tables, charts, figures and measurements to customize your dairy housing...
April 8 2010
by Dave Kammel, UW- Madison. Swing parlor, design factors and layout, 18 pages
April 8 2010
Hoof trimming chute, portable, pipe frame construction
April 8 2010
Self-feeding wagon rack, 14'-20' lengths (30-50 head)
April 8 2010
3-bedroom farm home with basement, alternate floor plans
April 8 2010
by UW's David Kammel, Vance J. Haugen, with Dr. Sandy Stuttgen. Contents include Budgeting for the remodeled parlor; Staging the construction; Layout options; Concrete demolition; Sizing the parlor; Crowd...