July 24 2024
There is no denying that weather conditions have created a challenge for some farmers trying to make hay this season
July 18 2024
As someone who loves to burn candles and buy fun, new scents often, you could say I’m a lover of good aromas. And, while I love the classic smells of sugar cookie, daisy, autumn woods, and sea breeze...
July 11 2024
Making hay on hills and mountains is not a simple task
June 27 2024
Modern disc mowers are good at what they do
Feb. 29 2024
Two characteristics distinguish alfalfa hay from grass hay
June 22 2023
The weather has become far more than a topic for small talk these days
Jan. 1 2022
Anyone purchasing feed for livestock knows that hay prices have been on an upward trajectory. In fact, the average alfalfa hay price reported by USDA-NASS for September 2021 was $209
Nov. 16 2020
While dry hay once dominated alfalfa production, certain parts of the country have come to rely more on alfalfa haylage over time
Oct. 19 2020
Harvest management is known to be one of the primary factors that influences forage quality on the farm . . . especially when it comes to the hay crop
Oct. 8 2020
“The 2019 harvest season was hard on equipment and it was hard on people,” said Kevin Jarek, a University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension agent
Oct. 1 2020
As farmers head from September to October, there are still decisions they can make on perennial forages
June 17 2019
With USDA initiating sign-ups for its cornerstone dairy safety net program on June 17, the federal agency simultaneously updated a major component in the feed cost margin calculator — hay prices
June 4 2018
Even in the northern U.S. climates, we are now well into forage harvesting season