RWDCA logoSomeone will be the winner of a RED calf!....Will it be you? Tickets are now available for the 2015 RWDCA Scholarship Raffle Calf! This year's contest is completely different than past years. The winner gets choice of the following heifers: Del-Hollow Proxy J-P-Red DOB: 6-6-14 (Venture Proxy PP-Red x Redman Jode-Red) or Del-Hollow Redliner Jay-Red DOB: 5-12-14 (Fradon Redliner x Charger Jode-Red). Both of these heifers extend back to Fradon Rudolph Jodie-ET *RC EX-CAN 2E 13*. These two extremely nice red heifers are generously donated by Dana Erway of Pennsylvania.

First Prize: Choice of two Red & White heifers or $1,000 cash
Second Prize: Browning 12 GA Shotgun, Model BPS Hunt 98 or $500 cash
Third Prize: Red & White True Type Model
Fourth through Tenth Prizes: $100 Semen Gift Certificates
- If winner of calf is present at Convention, they have first choice of heifers. Second heifer will then be sold and proceeds go to Red & White Scholarship.
- If winner of calf is not present at Convention, both animals are to be sold at Convention and high bidder gets choice of the two. The other heifer will go to the winning ticket holder and the ticket holder is responsible for transportation costs.

All prizes will be drawn on Thursday, July 16, 2015 prior to the 2015 National Red and White Convention Sale in Decorah, Iowa. The National Red and White Convention will be held July 14-16 in Decorah. Tickets are sold for $5 each of 3 for $10. You can contact the RWDCA Office, any RWDCA National Director, Dana Erway, PA (814) 883-8185 or John Schmitz, MN (320) 420-2432. Proceeds go towards the RWDCA Albrecht Memorial Scholarship Fund 501-c3.

For more information, please contact Dana Erway, RWDCA Scholarship Committee Chair at 814-883-8185 or the RWDCA Office at 608-289-8586 or 608-790-5595. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Founded in 1964, the Red & White Dairy Cattle Association has been located in Crystal Spring, Pennsylvania since 1975, Clinton, Wisconsin since 2009 and Madison, Wisconsin since 2015. The RWDCA strives to encourage and promote the progressive breeding and development of superior Red & White Dairy Cattle by providing breeders with information, programs, and services to help track, evaluate, and improve the breed from one generation to the next. The Association is based on the principle of an open herdbook and currently serves members domestically and internationally. For additional information you may contact the RWDCA at 608-289-8586 or 608-790-5595 or visit
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