In the middle pair, B shows more balance throughout and has much more depth and openness of rib than C. From the side, B has a more youthful and appealing udder shape by being more level across the udder floor. I also prefer the smaller teat size of B over C. I grant that C stands more squarely on her rear legs and has more stretch to her frame than B.
Finally, C places over A in a logical bottom pair. The rear udder of C has more height and width along with a more defined cleft than A. C is more refined in her bone, particularly in the hock, and leaner through the neck. Finally, C has more spring to her pasterns and stands more squarely on her hind legs. I do give A an advantage over C in being deeper in her rib and having more power through the front end.

Hershey, Pa.
Horst placed the JERSEYS. Horst grew up on his family's Mi-Rose Farm in Chambersburg, Pa., where he and his three younger siblings showed multiple All American and Junior All American Jerseys. In 2005, he was high individual in the 4-H contests at World Dairy Expo and the All-American Dairy Show. Horst graduated Magna Cum Laude from Virginia Tech and was named the National Jersey Youth Achievement Winner. Now a Jersey sire analyst and Cornerstone Specialist for ABS Global, Horst has served as a judging contest official at Madison, Wis., and Louisville, Ky., and judged shows in several eastern states.