The Dairy Directions Seminars are scheduled for Tuesday, December 5 in Sac County and Wednesday, December 6 in Pocahontas County. Both programs will be held at the local county Extension office. “Dairymen in these areas with have the opportunity to have the most current researched-based dairy information presented at their local Extension office” says Northwest Iowa Extension Dairy Field Specialist Fred M. Hall. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the program begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. A free lunch is included and the program will adjourn at 1 p.m.
Topics will include alternative forage crops and feed additives presented by Extension Dairy Specialist and Assistant ISU Professor Dr. Hugo Ramirez, plus a dairy market outlook and a review of agricultural apps by Extension Dairy Specialist Fred M. Hall.
While dairymen in these areas often have to travel a long way for dairy programs, this program has been tailored to issues for these areas. “The potential for low quality corn silage is real and dairymen will have salesmen promoting every kind of feed additive- some work, most won’t. Dr. Ramirez will help to sort out the ones that will help your bottom-line” notes Hall. Ramirez will also share what can be expected if dairymen are considering alternative forages.
A dairy market outlook will be presented by Hall, plus he will review some of the apps available to dairymen- be prepared to share apps on your smartphone that you find useful!
While there is no registration fee, a call to the local County Extension office will reserve your seat and guarantee your free lunch. In Sac and surrounding counties the number is 712.662.7131; in Pocahontas and surrounding counties the number is 712.335.3103.
Dairymen can also contact Hall at 712.737.4230 with any dairy question.