The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

The International Dairy Federation will gather leading nutrition and environmental experts from around the world to discuss the role of dairy in sustainable diets in Seville, Spain, from the 1st to 2nd February 2018. This event will bring a new perspective to the table, in looking at both the environmental and nutritional aspects of dairy in conjunction.
The format of the conference reflects the fact that the nutritional and environmental credentials of dairy cannot be considered in isolation while analyzing the importance of dairy in a balanced diet, as has been the case for most of the work on this subject so far.
The event will offer delegates a mix of presentations and content, covering both the nutritional and environmental facets of both topics, throughout the two days. The first day of the programme will cover three sessions, focusing on sustainable diets, public perceptions of dairy and dairy as part of a nutritious diet. The second day of the programme will focus on the environmental and socioeconomic impact of dairy and mitigation of environmental impact and adaptation to climate change.
“The dairy sector plays a key role in feeding the world and must respond dynamically and forcefully on a global level to those who challenge its nutritional and environmental integrity while at the same time recognising that no industry is perfect and we are all striving for sustainable development. In hosting events such as this the IDF continues to play a key role in facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas from across the globe, ensuring dairy remains at the forefront of new developments and approaches in these areas” commented Dr Judith Bryans, IDF President.
“Any work on sustainability must use a systems approach, or it will fail to reflect the realities of the issues at hand, work on sustainable diets is no different.” said Dr Nico van Belzen, IDF Director General.
“The conference is aimed at experts who want to know more about both these aspects. If there are still those who remain unconvinced that both subjects should be interlinked, this conference is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how fundamental an integrated approach is in understanding the complexity of the issue” added Dr Van Belzen.
This event is the latest in a series of sustainability-focused initiatives undertaken by the Federation. In 2016, both the FAO and IDF co-signed the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam, recognizing the importance of dairy in helping to achieve the United National Sustainable Development Goals. The Declaration sets out a number of principles. It aims to underline the integrated approach that the dairy sector takes to promote the sustainability of dairy systems, taking into consideration social, economic, health and environmental dimensions.
The full programme is available at
The event will offer delegates a mix of presentations and content, covering both the nutritional and environmental facets of both topics, throughout the two days. The first day of the programme will cover three sessions, focusing on sustainable diets, public perceptions of dairy and dairy as part of a nutritious diet. The second day of the programme will focus on the environmental and socioeconomic impact of dairy and mitigation of environmental impact and adaptation to climate change.
“The dairy sector plays a key role in feeding the world and must respond dynamically and forcefully on a global level to those who challenge its nutritional and environmental integrity while at the same time recognising that no industry is perfect and we are all striving for sustainable development. In hosting events such as this the IDF continues to play a key role in facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas from across the globe, ensuring dairy remains at the forefront of new developments and approaches in these areas” commented Dr Judith Bryans, IDF President.
“Any work on sustainability must use a systems approach, or it will fail to reflect the realities of the issues at hand, work on sustainable diets is no different.” said Dr Nico van Belzen, IDF Director General.
“The conference is aimed at experts who want to know more about both these aspects. If there are still those who remain unconvinced that both subjects should be interlinked, this conference is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how fundamental an integrated approach is in understanding the complexity of the issue” added Dr Van Belzen.
This event is the latest in a series of sustainability-focused initiatives undertaken by the Federation. In 2016, both the FAO and IDF co-signed the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam, recognizing the importance of dairy in helping to achieve the United National Sustainable Development Goals. The Declaration sets out a number of principles. It aims to underline the integrated approach that the dairy sector takes to promote the sustainability of dairy systems, taking into consideration social, economic, health and environmental dimensions.
The full programme is available at
International Dairy Federation
The International Dairy Federation is the leading source of scientific and technical expertise for all stakeholders of the dairy chain. The IDF engages all stakeholders in productive activities and research projects to further current knowledge and science on a wide range of issues. Today, dairy is one of the most vibrant and strategic sectors, with a major impact on national economies, public health and the environment.
Through its working bodies, events and work programme, IDF provides a common platform, systems and processes for the global dairy sector to come together to reach consensus. Given its consensus-building capacity, IDF represents the global voice of dairy towards stakeholders and intergovernmental organisations.
For more information, please visit
The International Dairy Federation is the leading source of scientific and technical expertise for all stakeholders of the dairy chain. The IDF engages all stakeholders in productive activities and research projects to further current knowledge and science on a wide range of issues. Today, dairy is one of the most vibrant and strategic sectors, with a major impact on national economies, public health and the environment.
Through its working bodies, events and work programme, IDF provides a common platform, systems and processes for the global dairy sector to come together to reach consensus. Given its consensus-building capacity, IDF represents the global voice of dairy towards stakeholders and intergovernmental organisations.
For more information, please visit