The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. 

Balchem Corporation (NASDAQ: BCPC), the global leader in choline and precision release nutrient technologies, recently engaged the Sedona group to supplement the ruminant sales team. This group will support the current sales force and focus on educating dairy producers, veterinarians and nutritionists on the benefits of feeding ReaShure®Precision Release Choline to transition dairy cows.
New research recently published by the University of Florida demonstrates how cows fed ReaShure during the transition period had higher peaks and produced an additional 4.6 pounds of milk per day during the 40-week trial period. ReaShure helped launch the cow's lactation during the critical transition, allowing cows to accelerate quickly to reach the highest possible peak and then follow a sustained glide path through the remainder of the lactation. If we extrapolate the research results over a 305-day lactation, the outcome is an additional 1,403 pounds of milk per cow per year.
The new team will cover New York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, working closely with nutritionists, veterinarians and dairy producers.
Segment Information
Balchem Corporation reports four business segments: Human Nutrition & Health; Animal Nutrition & Health; Specialty Products; and Industrial Products. The Human Nutrition & Health segment delivers customized food and beverage ingredient systems, as well as key nutrients into a variety of applications across the food, supplement and pharmaceutical industries. The Animal Nutrition & Health segment manufactures and supplies products to numerous animal health markets. Through Specialty Products, Balchem provides specialty-packaged chemicals for use in healthcare and other industries, and also provides chelated minerals to the micronutrient agricultural market. The Industrial Products segment manufactures and supplies certain derivative products into industrial applications.