The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

2018 is off to a fantastic start! Before the holidays, an anonymous Manitowoc dairy farmer pledged $100,000 to the Create. Cultivate. Educate. Campaign. The gift is in honor of all farm families – past, present and future – and their quest to feed the world.
This generous farmer also wanted the gift to inspire others to contribute to this important project and offered it as challenge gift for year-end giving. Thanks to an outpouring of generosity from the following donors to our campaign, we raised an additional $117,300 and exceeded the match. We are now only 4% away from our $13 million goal!
Please join us celebrating each of these philanthropic partners and all the exciting milestones on the horizon for Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center this year because of their support.
- 3-D Dairy LLC
- Agnes Neumeyer
- Ansay & Associates – In Honor of Sandy Hardrath
- Badgerland Nutrition, Inc.
- Brightside Dairy – Conrad, Lisa, Brian, Connie Liebergen
- Bryce & Penny Larson
- Chad & Lisa Pethke
- Complete Management Consulting, LLC
- Dale & MaryAnn Collin
- Dave & Stacy Jauquet & Family
- David & Donna Dvorak and Family
- Dillon Mueller Memorial Fund – In Memory of Dillon J Mueller #115
- Donald M. Jaworski
- Elaine Srnka – In Memory of John F. Srnka, Jr
- Elmer & Vicki Dvorachek
- Emerald Acres
- Farm Inc. / Stephen and Lynn Freund – In Honor of Jerome H. Freund
- Jack Cashman & Mary Govier
- Jenny Beltran - In Honor of Roy & Chris Herzog
- Jesse Dvorachek Farm & Industry, LLC
- John & Mary Jo Widder
- Johnson Hill Farms, LLC Est. 1849
- Joseph Dvorak
- Kaufmann Farms – In Memory of Elmer Kaufman
- Lallensack Dairy Farm - David, Eileen, & Craig
- Lauren Hofland
- Manitowoc Co. Dairy Promotion Committee
- Manitowoc County Farm Bureau
- Manitowoc County Forage Council
- Mark & Angie Ulness
- Matt-N-Ney Holsteins
- Mishicot FFA Alumni
- Pat's Tire Sales & Service, Inc.
- Riverside Dairy, LLC.
- St. Anna Veterinary Clinic S.C.
- Sandy & Dave Hardrath
- Scott & Angie Gunderson Family
- Secura Insurance Companies
- Sheryl Lynn Nehls
- The Pienkos Family (Thomas, Lisa, Anna, & Nora) - In Memory of Norval, Jean, & Richard Dvorak
- Westfield Insurance Foundation
- Zeamer's Welding, LLC
Goal: $13,000,000 | Raised: $12,517,706 (96%) |Balance: $482,294