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A new video from Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics Cheese focuses on each farm-to-table aspect of its award-winning Wisconsin artisanal cheeses. The versatile video can serve as a tool for agricultural education in schools, introduces culinary professionals to the points of distinction about Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheeses, and helps consumers make informed choices about the foods they choose. Watch just one section or all five segments of the video, depending on your areas of interest.

• Check out The Family section of the video, a three-and-a-half-minute introduction to the people behind Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese. If you’ve ever wondered about the people who create the foods you eat, you’ll enjoy knowing that there really are Crave brothers. This segment includes interviews with the four founding Crave brothers —Charles, George, Mark and Thomas—as well as introductions to George’s wife Debbie, and next generation family members Patrick, Jordan, Andy and Beth.

• Learn about the Crave Family Farm in the approximately 4-minute Farm segment of the video. This section ties in the seed-to-cheese, crops-to-cows and cheese-to-consumer stories. The Crave’s 21st Century family farming operation provides fresh, quality feeds for their 2,1000 cows and 1,400 heifers. With sustainability top of mind, the Crave Brothers care for the land, planting 2,500 acres of corn, soybeans, alfalfa and wheat each spring, with minimum tillage and annual crop rotation. Fields are fertilized with high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer produced by the farm’s anaerobic manure digester.

• The Green Story (this segment is slightly over 2 minutes) includes details about the Crave Brothers’ green energy initiative. Their philosophy centers on the future and family, with a commitment to leave the lightest possible footprint on the farm and their community. This video demonstrates ways that the family has made a difference with its carbon negative practices—including the pair of anaerobic manure digesters that generate enough electricity to power not only their farm and cheese-making facility, but also 300 area homes in their community.

• View the cheesemaking process up close and personal (this video segment runs 3:45) and learn more about the Crave family’s fresh-from-the-farm cheeses. The Cheesemaking Story offers the step-by-step process of how 100,000 pounds of fresh milk produced on the farm each day are made into 10,000 pounds of cheese every day, all under the direction of licensed cheesemaker George Crave.

• Learn about the cheeses themselves in The Cheese Story segment (slightly over 2 minutes). These aren’t just any cheeses, either. They’re the line of award-winning Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheeses. For example, in 2017 Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics swept the Fresh Mozzarella category at the U.S. Cheese Championships, placing First, Second and Third. Crave Brothers Fresh Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Farmer’s Rope, Oaxaca, and Cheddar Cheese Curds are covered in this section of the video.

To see the Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese video, visit the website at and click on the Videos tab. The website also offers product information, recipes featuring the Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics Cheese varieties, and a list of the impressive awards earned by Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese. Recent Fresh Mozzarella awards, for example, include First and Second Place Awards at the 2017 World Dairy Product Awards; First and Second Place Awards at the 2017 American Cheese Society Competition; and Second Place honors for both Fresh Mozzarella and Marinated Fresh Mozzarella at the 2017 Wisconsin State Fair Cheese and Butter Contest.

The Crave family farms 2,500 acres of productive land in south-central Wisconsin, growing soybeans, corn and alfalfa to use as nutritious feed for their Holstein cows. From the manure digester to water recovery and recycling, sustainability is top-of-mind on the farm. The Crave Brothers Farm LLC and Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese LLC use 100% green power and are carbon-negative businesses. Their anaerobic biodigester produces more electricity than they need, enough to power the dairy farm, the farmstead cheese-making plant, and over 300 homes in their community.

Every pound of cheese made by George Crave, a licensed cheese maker, is made with milk from the family’s herd. Crave Brothers produces Fresh Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Part-skim Mozzarella, Oaxaca, Farmer’s Rope String Cheese, and Fresh Cheddar Cheese Curds in white, yellow and jalapeño varieties.