The Wisconsin Farm to Table organization is proud to donate proceeds from their 2017 dinner event to the Green County Ag Chest and the Monticello Lions Club. On February 8th, Wisconsin Farm to Table presented checks to both organizations to celebrate their volunteer work at the Wisconsin Farm to Table event, which took place on August 19th at Voegeli Farms, Inc., owned by Bryan Voegeli and family.

“One of the focuses of Wisconsin Farm to Table is to give back – to both the agricultural community and the local communities that help support so many farms,” explains Kari Kuehl, Wisconsin Farm to Table founder and president. “Each farm who hosts one of our events chooses the organizations they want to provide with the proceeds from the dinner event. This year the Voegeli family chose to donate the money raised to both the Monticello Lions Club and the Green County Ag Chest.”

2017 marked the fourth year of Wisconsin Farm to Table hosting dinner events, which saw record attendance in Green County. The Wisconsin Farm to Table dinners bring consumers and farmers together to explore the world of agriculture, focusing on animal care, environmental practices and the safe and pure food products we consume at our dinner tables throughout the year.
The event at Voegeli Farms, Inc. included farm tours and a cheese and wine sampling reception, along with food creations by Chef Tyler Sailsbery of The Black Sheepand Casual Joes restaurants in Whitewater, Wis., and Baker Kurt Kline, who concluded the event with his take on a divine dessert course. Conversation and community were generated as consumers dined on local fare, highlighted by presentations from the farmers contributing dinner ingredients.
Volunteers from the Green County Ag Chest and the Monticello Lions Club helped staff the event, and were a key component of the event’s success, ensuring guests enjoyed a positive experience.
“Without all the volunteers, this event wouldn’t happen,” says Kuehl. “Between parking cars and serving food to the 120 attendees, they played a crucial role in helping bring the community together to educate and celebrate agriculture. We hope that giving back to support their organizations’ missions showcases our full appreciation for their efforts.”
For more information and updates on the 2018 host farm, dates and to purchase tickets, visit www.wifarmtotable.com, call event contact, Kari Kuehl, at (262) 203-4016, or email wifarmtotable@gmail.com.
Wisconsin Farm to Table was established in 2013 to offer an on-farm experience, including a farm tour, elegant dinner and dialogue between those interested in where their food originates and local farmers who grow and raise the food. Money raised is donated to a local non-for-profit organization selected by the host farm.