Hailey Pipher from Chemung County was crowned the 2018-2019 New York State Dairy Princess on February 20th at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool, New York. Having served as the Chemung County Dairy Princess since spring of 2017, Pipher will devote an additional year to promoting milk and dairy products with American Dairy Association North East (ADANE).
As state princess, shereceives a $1,200 scholarship and will represent ADANE at county dairy princess pageants, farm meetings and a variety of special events, which includes training new county princesses at a summer seminar. Sponsored by ADANE, the 55th annual coronation completed the yearlong reign of Sarah Rohe of Syracuse, New York in Onondaga County.

Alexis Payne from Lewis County was named first Alternate State Princess, and Zoie Skinner from Onondaga County was selected as second Alternate State Princess. They receive a $700 scholarship and $600 scholarship, respectively. Both young women will assist the State Dairy Princess with training, appearances and other duties.
Sixteen county dairy princesses competed in the state pageant, including a personal interview, impromptu questions, a prepared adult speech, a product knowledge exam, writing skills test and informal interaction with others. Judges evaluated the contestants on their communication skills, knowledge of the dairy industry, poise and personality.
Pageant judges were: Judi Dixon, International Sales, Dot Foods; Davis Chlus, Morgan Stanley, Senior Vice President; and Holly Pullis, Hollywood Enterprises & Roedale Farm.
American Dairy Association North East (ADANE) is the local affiliate of the National Dairy Council® and the regional consolidation of three promotion organizations including the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council, Inc., Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association and Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program. Committed to nutrition education and research-based communications, ADANE provides science-based nutrition information to, and in collaboration with, a variety of stakeholders committed to fostering a healthier nation, including health professionals, educators, school nutrition directors, academia, industry, consumers and media. Funded by dairy checkoff dollars from more than 12,000 dairy farm families in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and northern Virginia, ADANE works closely with Dairy Management Inc.™ to bring a fully integrated promotion program to the North East region. For more information, visit www.americandairy.com.