On Monday, June 25 Attorney Paul Kent will update residents regarding next steps in the wake of the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding the proposed Golden Sands Dairy, it was confirmed today. The community information meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Saratoga Town Hall, 1120 State Highway 73 in Wisconsin Rapids.
In a 5-2 split decision on June 5, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overruled an appellate court decision regarding the vested rights associated with the Wysocki Family of Companies’ permit application for seven buildings that are part of a proposed 5300-cow dairy in the Town of Saratoga.
“The Supreme Court’s decision is only one piece of the larger issues in this conversation,” Kent said. “On Monday evening, I will share the implications of the Supreme Court decision and the next steps available to the Town to protect it and its residents.”
Kent, of the Madison firm, Stafford Rosenbaum, representing the Town, will be the evening’s only presenter. A 30-minute opportunity for questions will follow the 20-minute presentation. The meeting is sponsored by Protect Wood County & Its Neighbors, a citizen advocacy group formed in 2012, shortly after the Golden Sands Dairy was initially proposed.
The public is encouraged to attend and questions are welcome, Kent said.
About the Town of Saratoga
The Town of Saratoga in Wood County, Wisconsin is home to 5,385 residents. It is situated in the southeast corner of the county, bordering Juneau and Adams counties and includes Ten Mile Creek, Seven Mile Creek, Ross Lake, a portion of Nepco Lake and Five Mile Creek. Its predominate land uses are privately owned, managed pine forests, residential subdivisions, limited agriculture (cranberry marshes), commercial developments along highways 13 & 73 and open spaces.