The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. 

Two students will gain experience in dairy management and the feed industry as Vita Plus interns this summer. Cristian Sosa and Simon Johnson will work on different teams and focus on specific projects for the duration of the summer while learning the values of Vita Plus.

Cristian Sosa is from Chilton, Wisconsin and is currently studying dairy science at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. He previously attended UW-Platteville and studied animal science. Sosa gained hands-on experience working for several dairy farms, including the UW-Platteville farm. In these roles, Sosa was responsible for training employees, feeding all calves and cattle, performing regular herd walkthroughs, and coordinating any necessary treatments. For the duration of his internship, Sosa will work closely with the Vita Plus Loyal team while he studies the pelleting process for robotic milking systems and the subsequent effects it has on milk production.

Simon Johnson is from Pennock, Minnesota and currently attends Cornell University studying animal science. At Cornell, Johnson is a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity and Dairy Science Club. Johnson’s practical dairy farm experience includes assisting with all daily chores and monitoring herd health, as well as operating all harvest equipment. In the past two summers, Johnson has worked as an on-farm intern studying ways to better detect and treat ketosis early, as well as how to improve youngstock health and management protocols. This summer, Johnson will profile de novo fatty acid production in milk with the Vita Plus western region dairy team.
Vita Plus Corporation is an employee-owned company headquartered in Madison, Wis. Vita Plus has been serving livestock producers since 1948. More than just a feed supplier, Vita Plus consultants offer the latest cutting-edge technology, nutrition and management information. For more information about the organization call 1-800-362-8334 or go online at