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John Kappelman

John Kappelman of Cedar Grove, Wis. has been elected board chair of the Professional Dairy Producers Foundation. John was born and raised on a family owned dairy farm in eastern Wisconsin. After a 32 year dairy career, John left day to day dairying and joined Cereal Byproducts Company as a consultant. He devotes his time to dairy production and business consulting, international dairy development and writing for several dairy and farm publications. John joined the PDPF Board in 2013.

The PDPF board bid farewell to retiring board members, Ellen Schaefer, Running Creek Farm and Ed Strauss, Majestic Crossing Dairy. Rounding out the PDPF Board executive committee are Mark Diederichs, Lake Breeze Dairy, Vice President and Joan Behr, Secretary/Treasurer. Additional board members include, Kevin Griswold, Linda Hodorff, Jim Mlsna, Jeff Montsma, and Roger Swigart.

The Professional Dairy Producers Foundation is a national foundation established in 2002 as a way to raise funds and awards grants for educational programs and initiatives that benefit the U.S. dairy community. PDPF is committed to uniting the dairy community on issues of common concern to achieve its vision of a professional, proactive and prepared dairy industry. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) entity. For information on programs funded and ways to donate, visit