The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. 

Louie DeBoer recently joined the Vita Plus Columbus team as a dairy specialist. Based in Columbus, Wisconsin, DeBoer will provide nutrition and management expertise to help dairy producers reach their production goals. In addition, he will remain up-to-date on cutting-edge technologies to better serve customers now and in the future.
DeBoer grew up on a dairy farm outside of Randolph, Wisconsin and has spent his entire career within the dairy industry in various capacities. On his family farm, DeBoer mixed all the feed for the cows and heifers before he began working as a feed mill manager. In this role, he oversaw all feed and ingredients that came in and out of the building as well as several employees. DeBoer also has experience as a seed sales associate, where he was in charge of the dairy department and took the lead on all silage sampling, seed inventories, and other agronomy-related tasks. Most recently, he worked as a feed sales coordinator and oversaw the production and delivery of all feed orders.

Vita Plus Corporation is an employee-owned company headquartered in Madison, Wis. Vita Plus has been serving livestock producers since 1948. More than just a feed supplier, Vita Plus consultants offer the latest cutting-edge technology, nutrition and management information. For more information about the organization, call 1-800-362-8334 or go online at