The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. 

Late last evening, the Trump Administration announced the completion of a trilateral NAFTA renegotiation. U.S. Rep. Ron Kind released the following statement:
“American workers, farmers and families need an updated NAFTA agreement for the 21st century. The trilateral deal announced last night is a step forward in this process, but now it’s time for us to come together to discuss the outstanding issues that remain. Not only should we demand the highest possible labor and environmental standards, but ensure they are fully enforceable – a standard which many of our past trade agreements have not met.
I will continue to keep the pressure on the President to get the best deal for America’s Dairyland with both Canada and Mexico.”
I will continue to keep the pressure on the President to get the best deal for America’s Dairyland with both Canada and Mexico.”