Minnesota Milk Producer Association will be celebrating their 40-year anniversary by focusing on the future of dairy at their annual conference and expo at Treasure Island Resort and Casino in Welch, Minnesota, Nov. 27-28.
“Come learn from speakers while networking and laughing with attendees. There’s truly something for everyone in dairy at this event,” says Lucas Sjostrom, executive director of Minnesota Milk. The annual conference provides allied businesses and dairy farmers with learning opportunities to strengthen the vitality of the dairy community, while providing networking, fun and entertainment for all attendees.
The conference agenda includes opening remarks from United States Dairy Export Council Secretary Tom Vilsack, entertainment from the Johnny Holm Band, a farm succession training workshop by John Baker, numerous speakers, and the MMPA’s annual meeting. The awards banquet will be held the evening of Nov. 28 when recognition will be bestowed upon State Senator Bill Weber as Legislator of the Year, Brant Groen for the Bruce Cottington “Friend of Dairy” Award and the Metz Hart-Land Dairy as the Producer of the Year.
Registration is $100 per person for members and $250 per non-members. Conference registration includes access to all educational speakers, meals and entrance to the expo. To register for the conference, go to mnmilk.com/expo or call (763) 355-9697. Online registration ends Nov. 26, but registration is available on-site the day of conference.
Minnesota Milk Producers Association is a membership organization representing grassroots dairy farmers through policy work, education and membership development. Our work is vital to the future of Minnesota’s dairy industry and is directed by a board of dairy farmers elected by their peers. For more information, visit www.mnmilk.org.