CRV continues to lead the way in genetics for a better bottom line. Efficiency is becoming increasingly important, as is milk that delivers to the current component driven market. As always, this December 2018, CRV releases a Holstein line-up that is strong in premium milk, health and efficiency. Feed remains the highest operational cost on a dairy farm and feed efficient cows therefore affect the bottom line considerably. Three highly heritable feed efficiency traits join the other 20 proprietary CRV traits for afaster route to a profitable and sustainable bottom line.
o097HO42106 LUKAKU checks every box for every goal. He is a high-ranking genomic active bull for both GTPI (2829) and $NM (961). Daughters will be fertile with high production, and he is an excellent choice for the calving pen as well, with an SCE of 5.4. Lukaku will sire efficient cows with moderate size and great health traits.
o097HO42092 EAGLE is a production and premium milk superstar. He is a whopping 189 pounds of CFP – 2297 PTA Milk with positive component percentages. Eagle will soar in heifer pens as well, with an SCE value of 5.8, and a moderate frame and stature.
oDutch Red Holstein sire 097HO41949 JACUZZI RED continues to be an efficiency superstar. He ranks extremely high on Dutch indices with a value of 384 NVI. He has a Better Life Efficiency value of 19% and is a superb production sire with 123 KG Fat and 75 KG Protein. He supplies this high volume of production in an extremely healthy fashion, as well with an SCS value of 114.
CRV USA adds a strong list of new Jersey bulls to their lineup this December proof run with the #1 ranking bulls for JUI and SCS. The December Jersey lineup also serves the lovers of polled genetics with the #1 homozygous polled, and the #3 heterozygous polled bull in the breed.
o097JE00187 PRESTO can call himself the current #1 JUI bull at 44.1 JUI. The only active bull above 40 JUI, this leader will improve those udders in no time!
o097JE00180 KAWHI tops the Jersey breed list for low SCS. This udder health champion also ties at #3 for protein and adds the volume as well, coming in at #6 in the breed for Milk. This bull sure does the Jersey breed proud as an all-around victor for Production.
oInterested in polled genetics? Look no further, because CRV has the #1 Active homozygous polled Jersey bull ready to serve! 097JE00181 MATTER-PP will also make sure to fill that tank, scoring over 1000lbs for PTAM.
oRight by his side stands 097JE00178 WHODAT-P, strengthening our polled Jersey team as the #3 polled active bull in the breed. At 615 $NM, this wingman shows that there is no need for polled Jersey bulls to compromise on those valuable components.
oNew addition 097FL65548 WATERKANT demonstrates that Fleckvieh doesn’t compromise on milk. With an equally impressive beef index, this moneymaker adds value on both sides of the coin.
oA2A2 bull 097FL80946 HONGKONG PP is a true premium milk king with excellent components, and an outstanding milk index. CRV is excited to add this bull to the Fleckvieh lineup, and expects a lot of easily born, strong and polled HONGKONG PP calves on US soil soon.
To learn more about our lineups, our proprietary traits, and how CRV can help you build BETTER COWS FOR A BETTER LIFE, check out our directories using links below or contact a CRV Genetic Consultant today at 1-855-CRV-COWS.
•December 2018 CRV USA Holstein Sire Directory
•December 2018 CRV USA Jersey Sire Directory
•December 2018 CRV USA Red Breeds Sire Directory
About CRV
CRV is a leading, customer focused cattle improvement organization fully committed to adding value for our farmers. With facilities in the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany, Luxembourg, South Africa, Brazil, the United States, the Czech Republic and Spain, CRV sells semen in more than 60 countries. CRV’s U.S. office in Madison, Wisconsin, was established in 2009, and our team delivers solutions that support farmers in building more profitable and efficient herds.