Scott Holcomb, Greene, N.Y., has been named Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Area Representative for the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc. effective January 28, 2019.
Holcomb will provide on-farm service to the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. He first began his career with the USJersey team in February 2015 as a part-time Type Traits Appraiser. During this time, he became familiar utilizing the association’s software and performance programs while building relationships with AJCA customers nationwide. Scott will continue serving members as an appraiser in conjunction with his new responsibilities as an area representative.
Prior to his employment with USJersey, Holcomb gained additional industry experience working as a field technician for Lancaster DHIA where he dealt with customer relations and a variety of different breed associations. In 2010, he interned at Lavon Farm in Texas. There he not only managed the large 700-head Jersey and Guernsey herd, but also marketed the farm’s own line of artisan value-added dairy products, Lucky Layla.
Holcomb currently works as an assistant herdsman on his family’s dairy, Holcomb’s Guernsey Farm where he helps manage a 120-head herd. He is a 2011 graduate of Morrisville State College and holds an Associate of Applied Science degree in dairy science. He also attended the New York State Junior Dairy Leader Program offered through Cornell University.
“Scott’s prior background with the Association and dairy industry are advantageous for the position he now fills,” said Neal Smith, Executive Secretary and CEO. “We are excited to have him join our field staff full-time and continue to build strong relationships with our customers while helping them make the most of their Registered Jersey herds.”
The American Jersey Cattle Association, organized in 1868, compiles and maintains animal identification and performance data on Jersey cattle and provides services that support genetic improvement and greater profitability through increasing the value of and demand for Registered Jersey™ cattle and genetics.
For more information on the association’s complete line of services for dairy business owners, visit the website at www.USJersey.com or connect at facebook.com/USJersey.